Groove or Guilt

Should I get up early or sleep in a bit? Should I take a nap or work on content? Should I hang out with Bradley or cook dinner? I should have woken up earlier. I should have cuddled with the kids more. I should have worked out this morning. Am I enough? Am I the best mom and wife I can be? I need to worry less. So on and so forth.
Just when I think I am finding my groove, I am smacked with guilt. Adapting to a new schedule, particularly as a mother, requires patience. The constant responsibilities, concerns, and demands can be overwhelming. Of course, I want to be the best at everything, who doesn’t? In a perfect world, I would be able to complete all tasks, spend quality time with my children, and pursue activities that bring me joy. But, we don’t live in a perfect world so I must prioritize and make choices based on what I deem essential at any given moment. After prioritizing what I consider important, I still reflect on my mistakes.
Is there a way to cope with all of these worries and feelings? Short answer: probably. It varies from person to person. There is no right or wrong answer. Personally, I believe it involves acknowledging that I cannot accomplish everything, and that's more than okay. My main purpose is to ensure the well-being and growth of my children. Little moments of love and play are what is important to our littles. For example, I try to sit with Bradley while feeding Olivia and watch his favorite show with him.
It is crucial to prioritize self-care to be able to effectively fulfill my purpose as a mother. If I am not feeling good, no one else will feel good. Taking some time to myself helps increase my energy and excitement towards motherhood.
Entering a new chapter in life means embracing both mistakes and achievements. It is only a season and like every season, it will pass. I am going to concentrate on creating memories that we will cherish in the future. If I am unable to finish everything I intended to, I will concentrate on what I have accomplished and find satisfaction in that. There will be moments that I will slip through the cracks, but I will work on giving myself grace and praying for patience. Having conversations with someone can really help. I find comfort in talking to my family or besties.
I write this out to get my feelings out on "paper" along with helping anyone else who may feel alone in these thoughts. You are never alone; you are loved and important. Please feel free to reach out for any support. Moms must stick together. <3