What is My Purpose?

Do we know our purpose? When do we know that we have found our purpose? Do we have more than one purpose? What even is a purpose?
Purpose is defined as something set up as an object or end to be attained. When I was younger I looked at having a certain career as a purpose. For a while, I felt lost at my job because I felt like I wasn't doing anything productive. I felt like my calling was to help people and I wasn't doing that through textiles.
I started to question and fight myself that I wasn't following the purpose God had for me. Questioning my life choices, wondering if I would ever get it right, and praying that God would give me a sign to figure out my next move, I was stuck.
“Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.” Proverbs 19:21
We can make plans all day long, but at the end of the day if we don't pray and seek God's direction then we will be lost and confused. Every plan should begin and end with God in mind first, putting our full trust in him and having the faith that His light will show us the way. We are put on this earth temporarily until we make it home to Heaven. God has a purpose(s) for everyone while we are here.
It wasn't until recently I started to understand that our purpose is much more than working a job. I also believe that we can have more than one purpose. Once you identify what brings you joy you are headed in the right direction.
I have always worked on everything at once rather than focusing on one thing. But for me, it works and brings me joy. It helps me figure out what I am good at and it sometimes can lead to helping others.
I have more than one purpose. My purpose is following God and showing others to His love. I am meant to be a loving daughter, supportive wife, and dedicated mother. Writing blogs that can relate to people is my purpose. Being there for others is my purpose. Making people laugh is my purpose. Sharing styling tips and keys to confidence is my purpose. All of this makes me a joyful follower of Christ.
You may be in a position where you are stuck and confused. Please sit down and revaluate where you are in life. Speak to God and open your heart. Be ready to close doors and open new ones. Life can be scary, but with Him by your side you will have an easier journey finding your purpose.
Much Love,