Pregnancy Q+A

Did you feel ready when you got pregnant?
You will never “be ready.” You can definitely put yourself in a position that helps you feel more ready financially and emotionally. I would say we got to a point where we were comfortable with finances and said okay I think it is time. I would say I was emotionally ready before we got financially ready.
What is the best and worst part of pregnancy?
This question is more specific because everyone has a different experience, but for me I would say the best part of pregnancy is feeling the baby kick and move around. It is a special bond and feeling just between you and them. For me, the worst part of being pregnant are the symptoms. I get the worst nausea and all day sickness. Also, as I am in the third trimester it is hard to get everything done that I want done. I have definitely slowed down.
When did you stop breastfeeding Bradley?
Breastfeeding was one of my favorite things being a mom. It is so special. I stopped breastfeeding Bradley at 10 months because he started to bite me, haha, and I couldn’t deal with that anymore.
What is the weirdest part of being pregnant?
The weirdest part would probably be feeling them in your belly. It is so special, but also so hard to comprehend. Also, the way your body changes and prepares for labor is wild.
How different were your two pregnancies?
I was so sick with both in the first trimester. With Bradley, I wasn’t able to eat any meat or veggies. My diet consisted of junk food, cereal, and bread. With Olivia, I have been able to eat just about anything. By the end of the day, I am nauseous and exhausted, but don’t remember being that way with Bradley.
Were you nervous to deliver?
With Bradley, I was not nervous because I went early and was induced. Also, I did not know what to expect. I would say I am more nervous going into labor and delivery with this one since I am not sure if the experience will be the same, but I also kind of know what to expect.
Have you been working out?
If you count chasing a toddler around, yes. With Bradley, I never worked out because I was not eating enough to be able to. With this pregnancy I am in a better position to work out, but I don’t make the time for it because I am always exhausted. I am doing house projects that feel like a workout. Everyone is different, there are a bunch of women who do workouts, but I am currently focused on stretching and yoga every now and again. It is important to talk with your dr. about this.
Do you miss anything? I miss my margaritas, haha. Also, hanging out with my friends and making plans. I don’t really make plans because my days are always different with how I am feeling and I hate canceling.
Any advice for new moms?
Time goes by so fast even the sleepless nights. Take in all of the moments; the good, the bad, the ugly. Rest when you can. Everybody’s parenting journey looks different. Make sure you and your spouse are checking in with each other. Postpartum depression is real so make sure you are taking care of yourself. Happy mom is a happy baby.
What symptoms did you have?
Bradley- Severe nausea (hyperemesis), food aversions, third trimester- bad back and hip pain, extra saliva only in first trimester, super tired in third trimester, preeclampsia
Olivia- Severe nausea (hyperemesis), second and third trimester- bad back and hip pain, nauseous at the end of the day throughout whole pregnancy, extra saliva through entire pregnancy, super tired throughout the pregnancy, chance of preeclampsia ( we will see), cramping and acid reflux in third trimester, this pregnancy has been harder.
Extra Reflection:
I don’t love being pregnant, but I love being a mom. The hardest part of this pregnancy has been feeling like I have not been present enough with Bradley (especially in the first trimester). I feel like I can’t do everything that I could when I wasn’t pregnant. I am in such a nesting phase, but have to make sure I am listening to my body and not pushing it. It has been interesting to see the similarities and differences in these pregnancies. Olivia has definitely moved so much more than Bradley. I love Bradley so much and now my heart is about to get even bigger once Olivia gets here.