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Third Trimester Experience

Writer's picture: Erin SzochErin Szoch

My third trimester was interesting. I would say the best word to describe it would be “UNCOMFORTABLE.” Although I was so excited to be growing a little peanut inside of me, I was so ready to be done. It got to a point where it was hard to breathe and there wasn’t a position that made me feel better.

I was in serious nesting and work mode. Between getting work items completed and keeping the house together, I was doing the most random things and cleaning everything. The day that I went to the hospital I was rearranging furniture that morning. I told my sister that is what made me go into labor, haha.

Pregnancy brain is a real thing and it became more real this trimester. I would forget so many things which felt so unusual and frustrating. My brain would feel like mush sometimes. The only thing that helped me feel more in control was setting reminders on my phone and taking more naps.


  • So many pee breaks

  • Exhausted - slept more this trimester than first and second

  • Bad hip and low back pains/aches

  • Heart palpitations and tight chest from anxiety

  • Shortness of breath

  • Still had food aversions

  • Some nausea, not as bad as first, mostly when I was hungry

  • High blood pressure towards the end of It

Food I ate:

  • Grapefruit

  • Oranges

  • English muffins

  • Nature Valley Granola Bars

  • Mini Wheats Cereal

  • Special K Cereal

  • Oreos - so many Oreos

  • Fruit Snacks

  • Baked Soft Pretzels with honey mustard

If you struggle with aversions and nausea, eat what you can even if it is not considered "healthy." Healthy can be defined differently by everyone. As long as you are taking prenatals and drinking fluids, my doctor said the baby would be fine. My diet was terrible and I was constantly hungry, but I could only eat so much thanks to the aversions. Bradley came out healthy and I am now able to catch up on food I missed out on. Make sure to always consult with your doctor regarding any questions or concerns.



"We live by faith, not by sight." 2 Corinthians 5:7
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