Second Trimester Experience

Main Symptoms I experienced:
sensitive taste- no meat or heavily seasoned foods (some red meat was okay)
sensitive smell- nothing smells like it did pre-pregnancy which is so weird (anything from perfume to food, it all smells different)
more energy
low back and hip pain
my hooha would ache/ sharp pain
my sassiness levels cranked up to 110 thanks to lack of sleep and food
nasal congestion and drainage (towards end of 2nd trimester
During second trimester, my all-day nausea was gone. There were a few days throughout the trimester that I felt icky but definitely not as bad as the first trimester. I think a lot of it had to do with being hungry, but not knowing what I could eat. I really didn't have cravings, it was just more of what I found that I could eat. On our way to Texas, I had one craving which was Wendy's so I ate a plain cheeseburger and fries twice, but now I can't eat it anymore.
Although my sleep levels were down, my energy levels were up and I was able to do a lot more for work and personal life. If you know me, you know that I cannot sit down for long periods of time and I always have a running to-do list, so being able to move around helped keep my sanity. However, the bigger I got, the harder it was to do a few things (bend over, go upstairs, etc). I have also noticed that since I have not been able to work out, I am losing my muscle mass and feel so weak. It is not that I can't work out, I am just being cautious since I am not eating enough to exert that type of energy. I know of a lot of women who worked out during pregnancy. It is safe to do just make sure it is something you can do and talk with your doctor about it.
Nesting kicked in heavily with this trimester, constant cleaning, and Amazon packages. Is the nursery started? HAHA, no. That is a December project. We have been so busy the past couple of months that we have not really put much thought into it, but I am determined to have it done or mostly complete by the end of December! I will share the nursery and all the items I pick along with the inspiration board I created beforehand.
In my second trimester, we found out we were having a baby boy. I got to feel him kick around and move, which is one of the weirdest, but coolest feelings ever. It is something so special that only women can experience. How lucky are we that we can bring a life into this world and feel them in our bodies?!? All in all, pregnancy is crazy. Your body changes and does such random things while creating this little life. See below the things that I was able to eat and favorite places to shop with my bump.
Food I ate:
Orange juice
Cinnamon toast
Special k strawberry cereal
Sweet potatoes with brown sugar
Fruit snacks
Bread and biscuits
Apple sauce
Greek yogurt and granola
Plain ground beef/ steak
Favorite Maternity Shops:
Pink Blush Boutique- Sweaters and Dresses
Motherhood Maternity - Denim and bras
I have also ordered oversized sweaters off of boutique sites (Red Dress Boutique, Vici)
Senita Athletics- Maternity Athleisure
Much Love,