First Trimester Experience
I found out I was pregnant a day before a girl's trip to the beach, June 11.
It was so exciting to know I had a little peanut growing inside. The first couple of weeks were great, full of food and excitement. My boobs were even getting bigger (whoo hoo, haha).
Around week 5 I noticed that I was starting to not feel good and that my taste and smell were getting super sensitive. It then snowballed to dry heaving and excess saliva.
For the next 4 weeks, it did not get better, it would go from bad to worse. I ended up going to the ER for extreme dehydration and turns out I also had a UTI.
A couple of weeks later, I had an OBGYN app and they diagnosed me with Hyperemesis, extreme nausea and/or vomiting during pregnancy. We also noted that I had lost 15 lbs from the start of pregnancy, so they were a little concerned.
Towards the end of my first trimester and the beginning of the second, I started feeling better, thanks to the medicine. My taste and smell were and still are very sensitive to where I cannot eat any meat or seasoned foods :/. I have reached a whole new level of hangry, haha.
Medicines that I tried:
Zofran- worked for a couple of days that I would use it when going into work, but then it didn't help much
Diclegis- $$$. I did not try because of the cost of it, our insurance did not cover and apparently most don't. They had me try B6 and Unisom that were supposed to work similarly.
B6 & Unisom- I have heard it had helped some people, but for me, it made me sicker, so I stopped taking it after a couple of weeks.
Phenergan - this helped me the most with the nausea and let me sleep better
Ear patch- can't remember the name but it helped dry up the excess saliva like I had dry mouth, but honestly, it was better than having to spit every 5 minutes. One of the side effects is blurry vision and I noticed I got that. I used this patch for a couple of weeks and then I was fine.
Things that I could eat that were kind of random :
Wheat Thins with canned cheese
Frosted Flakes
Special K
Tomato Sandwiches
Potato Chips
Just to note if you are pregnant with your first, a lot of moms experience sickness, it is called morning sickness, but it can be all day or even at night. You are not alone, people just don't always share the parts that are not sunshine and rainbows.