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Erin Szoch
May 8, 20221 min read
My Mental Health Journey
Here is a video on the beginning of my mental health journey and how I managed it, along with how I currently manage it.

Erin Szoch
May 6, 20222 min read
First Pregnancy Reflection
Now that I have had some time to reflect on my pregnancy, I wanted to share my thoughts. My biggest takeaway from pregnancy was not to...

Erin Szoch
May 3, 20221 min read
Balsalmic Chicken & Veggies
Ingredients: 2 tbsp olive oil 3 Chicken Breasts (sliced or cubed) Salt and Pepper (I like to use garlic salt, seasoned salt, and pepper)...

Erin Szoch
Apr 19, 20221 min read
Postpartum Struggles
Postpartum can be tough, but being aware and talking about it is so important. 2 of my struggles include asking for help and my body...

Erin Szoch
Apr 18, 20221 min read
Birth Experience
It was an experience. It is very important to be flexible during your pregnancy and delivery because you never know what could happen....

Erin Szoch
Mar 18, 20222 min read
Third Trimester Experience
My third trimester was interesting. I would say the best word to describe it would be “UNCOMFORTABLE.” Although I was so excited to be...

Erin Szoch
Mar 10, 20222 min read
What I Actually Used at the Hospital for Delivery
You can see what I packed and brought to the hospital from this post. I will start by saying I did not use everything I brought. However,...

Erin Szoch
Feb 21, 20222 min read
Helpful Readings for Pre-Pregnancy and Pregnancy
Pre-pregnancy The book “Taking Charge of Your Fertility” is a great book for preparing for your journey to getting pregnant. I followed...

Erin Szoch
Feb 17, 20222 min read
Bradley's Nursery Reveal
I had so much fun creating this room in the house for our precious baby boy. I was open to a theme, but I figured keeping it to a color...

Erin Szoch
Feb 3, 20222 min read
Hospital Bags Packed & Ready To Go
The last step for prepping for Bradley would be the hospital bags for me, Bobby, and Bradley. I watched different videos and read...

Erin Szoch
Jan 30, 20221 min read
Spring/ Summer 2022 Fashion Radar
I am so excited for my favorite season to be here. I love Spring for many reasons, one being the fashion and styles that come out! I...

Erin Szoch
Jan 27, 20220 min read

Erin Szoch
Jan 20, 20221 min read
Open Communication in a Marriage
The key to a healthy and successful marriage is communication. Through the good times and tough times, I find that telling each other...

Erin Szoch
Jan 13, 20223 min read
"Baby, It's Cold Outside" Baby Shower
When it came to planning my baby shower with my sister and mom, it was hard to pick a theme for baby Bradley. We knew if we were having a...

Erin Szoch
Jan 9, 20221 min read
Valentine's Gift Guides & Message
Valentine's Day is a holiday that many people celebrate differently. Some people enjoy alone time in their home while watching a movie,...

Erin Szoch
Jan 7, 20222 min read
Staying Intentional in Your Relationship
Relationships are like plants, you need to nurture them in order for them to remain healthy and grow. It takes two in order for your love...

Erin Szoch
Dec 31, 20212 min read
A Budget Will Keep You Successful
Disclaimer: This is based on my experience and what works for me. I am happy to share resources and my tips, but it's up to you to make...

Erin Szoch
Dec 19, 20214 min read
Creating the Baby Registry
Starting my baby registry was very overwhelming. I didn't know where to start and what to add. Unlike my wedding registry, I knew what we...

Erin Szoch
Dec 10, 20212 min read
Second Trimester Experience
Main Symptoms I experienced: sensitive taste- no meat or heavily seasoned foods (some red meat was okay) sensitive smell- nothing smells...

Erin Szoch
Dec 5, 20213 min read
Quick Austin, Tx Road Trip
We went to Austin, Texas for the first time over the week of Thanksgiving for a family wedding. I am not flying at the moment while being...
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